Find out where you are via Wi-Fi signals by using PlaceEngine!

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About the Public Launch of the PlaceEngine Beta Service:

At Sony Computer Science Laboratories, as part of our on going research efforts in real world user interfaces, we have publicly launched our PlaceEngine Beta Service that uses Wi-Fi to estimate the current location of devices and users. We hope to show its potential and to further explore its possibilities via this site.

PlaceEngine's service area is mainly concentrated in the Tokyo metropolitan area, and the more populated and commercialized areas of major cities throughout Japan. However, our coverage area can grow as users register locations and our technology is not limited to Japan. We are certain that PlaceEngine will open many new doors to further the horizon for location aware services. If you have any feedback or questions regarding our beta service, please feel free to contact us. We value any feedback received to further improve our service.

Notice to Web Service Providers and the Research Community:

If you are interested in livening up the location information service community by using PlaceEngine, please take a look at our PlaceEngine API page. Your web service or application can easily be modified to be location aware and triggered to easily hone in on services based on current location. We are looking forward to the opportunity of collaborating with you to create new services and applications that unite the REAL and VIRTUAL worlds.

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